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The Easipay Forest - where your reviews plant trees

Welcome To The Easipay Forest!

Where your reviews make the world a little bit greener.

What Is The Easipay Forest?

During 2023 we committed ourselves as a company to start making changes within the business to move towards a more sustainable path in terms of the environment and our impact on it. 

We detailed all of this in a blog post (read it here), but at the start of 2024 we decided to expand from behind the scenes efforts to something more public facing, with a chance to let our customers help the world at no cost to themselves. 

Thus, “Treesipay” was born. Essentially for every 5 star review we get, we plant a tree. While it’s true that one tree doesn’t have the power to impact the world all that much, a whole forest does, which we think symbolises the group effort that’s required to make these important environmental changes quite well! 

Each of our Trees are from a 5-star review a customer has left online in 2024. To add one yourself and join our forest, tap one (or all!) of the buttons below. Each Review becomes a tree, so customers can have up to 3 each!

A Whole Forest, Because Of You!

Thank You For Your Reviews!

Not Got Your Name Here Yet? Review us on any of the buttons below (or all 3!) to join our forest!